Medication used to be considered 'magic' until understood how it worked.
Considered "magic" by some, and written off as nonsense by the more narrow-minded. Let that be a warning!
i believe in rational explanations for everything, whether they are understood yet or not.
medication used to be considered 'magic' until understood how it worked.
on the subject of telepathy, for me it's very subtle but has happened many times.
Medication used to be considered 'magic' until understood how it worked.
Considered "magic" by some, and written off as nonsense by the more narrow-minded. Let that be a warning!
i believe in rational explanations for everything, whether they are understood yet or not.
medication used to be considered 'magic' until understood how it worked.
on the subject of telepathy, for me it's very subtle but has happened many times.
I have previously drawn some flak for saying these things on this site, but I will repeat once more (mainly because I don't &#*king care!).
During the seventeen or so years I lived and worked in Papua New Guinea, I was continually amazed at the ease with which many of the local people could locate objects that others had lost. These included events that had happened totally outside their previous experience, so it was not as if they were subconsciously drawing on past events to reach the conclusions that they did, either.
It did go further than locating lost objects, too. I did see similar happening with the tracking down of persons who went "missing" and didn't want to be found (The rest I will leave to your imagination!) Likewise for the arrival of the coastal steamer which services the New Guinea Islands. It runs strictly to an "Islands Time" type of schecule - i.e. +/- a day or two each way. Yet, to the continual astonishment of the Expatriate community, the local people always knew exactly when that steamer was going to arrive at their wharf.
We once used to hear a lot about "Extra-Sensory Perception" (ESP). There could well be much more yet to learn on that subject.
anyone remember 1992?
i can remember i was in the cult.
times were changing at a rapid pace.
Then the year before that, in 1991, there was the first Gulf War. A number of JWs got very excited about this event, also. A certain prize act who gave the public talk at our hall just after the Coalition Forces went on the attack (i.e. Norman Swartzkopf's "Operation Desert Sword") is on record as telling us:
"Brothers, for years The Society has been warning that Armegeddon is 'just around the corner'. We are now past that, and staring down the home straight."
Later that year saw the disintegration of the Soviet Union, plus all the upheaval that followed in its wake. From the platform, we were urged to "keep close watch on world events", for all the indicators were "the strongest they have been since 1975", and that all this was coming directly from " The Society" (The term Governing Body having not yet come into common currency). This was all stated in a talk at that year's District Convention.
As if Berlin Walls, Tianamen Squares, Gulf Wars, Soviet Unions or whatever have anything to do with anything.
(Bloody long "Home Straight" he was talking about, too!)
the gb individuals are chosen not by holy spirit as we well know but by being selected for one quality only, that of implaccable loyalty to the watchtower organisation.. to be up there requires the fixation that the org is being used by god -- even though now in the small print they claim they are not divinely guided -- what a laugh, what a puzzle?.
the more i watch their antics the more implausible they seem.
their function: to persuade as many people as possible to conform to their own whacky beliefs.. most jws eventually leave the fold, only one third remain as we understand, so will any of the gb become pimo?.
Raymond Franz was asked to resign from the Governing Body, after being formally questioned in May of 1980. This "questioning" was part of the general witch hunt over apostasy that was being conducted in Bethel during those first few months of that same year.
The fact that he was being "questioned" over apostasy, and that this questioning led to his resignation (read "resign or get the bullet!") from the GB would strongly suggest to me that he had indeed been mentally somewhere else whilst still physically present on the Governing Body!
so much is said regarding men , in a negative way.
shaving commercials are now lecturing us as to how bad we really are.
men should be less masculine.
Hi once again, LUHE,
There is certainly no real issue with two boys just "rough housing" about, as you say.
Some of these Australian feminists are something else! Where I work, we share a staff room with a more extreme example of this type, who can hardly open her mouth without uttering some male-bashing remark.
With upwards of a dozen men sitting at the table with her, it has led to a number of very interesting lunchtime discussions. I know that the term "bigot" gets some adverse publicity on this site, but it accurately describes her attitudes. If she or somebody like her wrote the script for that advertisement, then I think I know where you are coming from!
so much is said regarding men , in a negative way.
shaving commercials are now lecturing us as to how bad we really are.
men should be less masculine.
We are here talking about behaviours that can easily get somebody injured, or worse.
What Gillette is putting across doesn't seem to be that much different from the Anti-Family Violence campaign being recently run on New Zealand TV. Whether it is a company who manufactures sharp razor blades, soft toilet tissue - or any item in between those - it is pleasing to see that at least somebody is taking up the case.
Boys will indeed be boys, and there are many legitimate outlets for that - with the boxing ring and the rugby field coming immediately to mind. There, at least, the participants are all like minded and fairly evenly matched. (Rough sports also offer the advantage of teaching boys what it feels like to be on the receiving end. Anybody can dish it out; it is a real measure of toughness to be able to take it, too!)
Regarding a "Gillette in Reverse" scenario, aren't you assuming a little bit too much in guessing how I would react to that - me being somebody you have never met, and do not know? Bullying can take many different forms, some far more subtle than others, and women tend to excel at the more subtle forms of bullying. Bloody hell - I grew up with two sisters, then reared two daughters. I think I can speak from some experience about the matter of female bullying.
If you assume that I am going to defend that sort of behaviour, then you are definitely assuming too much!
so much is said regarding men , in a negative way.
shaving commercials are now lecturing us as to how bad we really are.
men should be less masculine.
It is a little hard to comprehend the reaction of many to the Gillette advertisement's anti-bullying and anti- harrassment of women message.
There is nothing "manly" about beating up a weaker opponent. As we would have been told while growing up: "Go pick on someone your own size".
The Reverend Harley Davidson's Church of the Righteous Hog.
Seriously, what a hell of a choice to present a person with. I reckon I would shoot myself first!
who is that influence?
why alexander the great, of course.
why was he such an important influence on the development of judaism (and later on an influence on early christianity)?.
One other notable person who is thought to have suffered GBS was Franklin Roosevelt.
At the time, FDR was diagnosed as having polio. However, it is now thought more likely that what left him paralysed from the waist down was Guillain-Barre Syndrome.
Of course, like Alexander the Great, nobody will ever know for sure. The only way to have been certain that Roosevelt's illness was polio would have been for a sample of his spinal fluid to have been tested. That was never done - and of course, never will be done!
i knew of several elders who would tell their wife's everything that happened in a committee meeting.
he is still and elder and very old but i doubt he has changed.
we used to call him.
None of this is in any way surprising.
The majority of the human species is born with a certain genetic defect, consisting of a mechanical interlock between the ear drum and the tongue. The slightest sound striking the ear drum automatically causes the tongue to flap about.
This genetic trait is particularly noticeable in those types who are drawn to the JW religion!